Critical thinking is about asking the right questions at the right time and recognizing when something is wrong. And it all begins with one simple question.
“What are you making?”
How big is it? - (Small enough to be “unique” stand-alone or really big and needs multiple textures.)
Is the asset part of a “set”? (If yes, does it require any tiling or trim sheets?)
No - Proceed to next step
Yes - Keep all assets inside one 3d scene.
Do you have the right version of software that the client is using? (Software version parity)
Do you have instructions to begin work? - (Specifications/Reference Images/Proxy Model)
No - Please see your Art Lead to obtain necessary files and information before you begin.
Yes - But the Proxy Mesh needs to be created and approved.
Proxy Mesh Guidelines
How much visual approximation is needed?
What are the measurements?
How does the scene need to be set up?
Placement and Orientation?
Pivot Center?
Naming Conventions? (Name of the proxy model needs to be the same as the final model)
Keep scene clean.
Test Proxy Mesh in the game.
Proxy Model is APPROVED. Begin Hi-Res work.
Yes - You are ready to begin Hi-Res work. Reference Hi-Res Guidelines.
Hi-Res Guidelines
How close is an asset going to be seen in the game?
How is the asset used?
How is it constructed and what is it made of?
If there are mechanical screws, bolts or nuts, make sure they are not just duplicated and placed. Be sure to orient each them a little differently.
If the asset involves fabric or something similar, make sure to adhere to the physics of gravity and how the folds behave.
If the asset has any wood materials, make sure the fabrication, direction and scale of the wood grains are accurate. When dealing with wood, it is important to convey how each piece was cut, placed, and treated. Also, just because it is wood doesn't mean that the wood grain needs to be sculpted.
Keep in mind the width of corners of assets and match them accordingly to the reference images.
For damaging assets, unless the client provides something specific, damaging an asset requires a good narrative. Mechanical damages are very different from natural damages. For mechanical damages, destroy the asset based on the manufactured pieces and how it could be deformed by any combination of impacts, fire, or explosions. For organic damages, destroy the asset in believable ways.
Hi-Res model is not necessary.
Follow Low-Res work guidelines
Hi-Res model is APPROVED: Begin Low-Res/UV Layout/Bake work.
Low-Res Guidelines
Model Guidelines
Do you understand the specifications?
It is important to have adequate geometry in the key silhouette areas.
Consider when a low-res mesh should be made airtight or intersecting.
In areas where the hi-res detail is offset plus or minus a few centimeters inwards or outwards AND it does not affect a silhouette area, consider burning the details of this area in normal rather than increasing geometry to the low-res.
UV Guidelines
Matching texel density is important but for areas where it won't be seen it is efficient to break texel density and scale down those UV's and place them in left over out the way spaces in the UV layout.
Mirroring UV's or UV stacking are common efficient
Bake Guidelines
Over bleeding AO is a fail.
Noticeable aliased gradation is a fail.
Low-Res is APPROVED: Begin texture work.
Texture Guidelines
Are you telling a good narrative. Artists must move beyond Painter’s Smart Materials. Although Smart Materials can quickly cover an asset with a layered material, it needs an artist’s input. Procedural algorithms tell procedural stories. Painted layers/masks help tell a unique story.
Do you understand the texture specifications?
Are you working with proper resolution?
Are you setting up the correct texture set up? PBR?
Are you keeping the work files clean and organized?
Photoshop/Painter: Name folders/layers properly.
Delete obsolete layers.
Painter: Use File/Clean to remove unused bulk.
Designer: Keep the nodes arranged logically and use labeled frames to identify what node groups do (similar to PS/PT folders). Clients will often need to make adjustments, so keep the files organized and labeled.
Texture is APPROVED: Begin Export into game.
Export Guidelines
Does it need a “unique” material? If yes, needs approval.
Otherwise, use one of the designated Material Instances.
How big is the structure?
Small enough for multiple “unique” pieces?
Really big and requires modular pieces, tiling textures and trim sheets?)
Are you creating a “set” of structures like a set of buildings to populate a city?
Do you have the right version of software that the client is using? (Software version parity)
Are there any destructive states needed?
No, continue
Yes, make sure to have the specific type of damages.
Do you have the following instructions to begin work? - (Specifications/Reference Images/Proxy Model)
No - Please see your Art Lead to obtain necessary files and information before you begin.
Yes - Identify all the modular details? (Repeating patterns that need to be modeled or done in texture.)
If Proxy Mesh needs to be created follow the Proxy Guidelines and make all the modular pieces inside the same 3d scene.
Bring the modular pieces into the game and test them by assembling them together.
Proxy Model is APPROVED. Begin Hi-Res work.
Yes - Modular pieces are ready and have been tested in game.
Plan - How many and which textures are going to be a material call. (How many tiling textures? How many trim sheet?)
Plan - How will the wear and grime be handled? (Alpha overlay? Multiple UV Channels?)
Work through each piece from Hi-Res to final following the workflow guidelines.
Export all files and bring into the game.
Overwrite “proxy” model with “final” model
Import all textures
Create Material Instances and link proper textures
Assign proper Materials to final model.
Check the assembled structure for any errors.
What type of transportation is it? (Land, Air, Water, Space)
Plan - Is it a “hero” or a “static prop” vehicle? (“Hero” vehicles will need to be rigged up.)
Plan - Does the interior or the underside need to be seen?
Do you have the right version of software that the client is using? (Software version parity)
Are there any destructive states needed?
No, continue
Yes, make sure to have the specific type of damages.
Do you have instructions to begin work? - (Specifications/Reference Images/Outline drawings of the Side, Top, and Front needed/Proxy Model)
No - Please see your Art Lead to obtain necessary files and information before you begin.
Yes - But the Proxy Mesh needs to be created and approved.
Set up orthographic views with the orthographic reference drawings. Side view the vehicle is pointing “left”. Top view pointing “down”
Place the vehicle on the virtual ground plane.
Follow Proxy Mesh Guidelines.
Test proxy mesh in game.
For “hero” vehicles, rig up the proxy model first and test in the game.
Yes - Proxy model is APPROVED.
Plan - Which modeling technique is most suited for making the Hi-Res? (Sculpting? Smoothing? Actual? Patches?)
Work through Hi-Res to Final by following the guidelines.
Export and bring into game. Overwrite proxy mesh with final. Set up materials
For Animation - Swap in final model using the existing rig/Export and bring into game/Test animation
How big is the weapon? (Melee? Handguns? Rifles? Explosives? Artillery?)
Plan - Is it a “hero” or a “static prop” weapon? (Any hero weapon will need to be rigged up. Any contact points will need an attachment joint like Grip, Trigger, Bolt, etc)
Plan - Do you have visual guidance on all interactive points?
Do you have the right version of software that the client is using? (Software version parity)
Do you have instructions to begin work? - (Specifications/Reference Images/Outline drawings of the Side, Top, and Front needed/Proxy Model)
No - Please see your Art Lead to obtain necessary files and information before you begin.
Yes - But the Proxy Mesh needs to be created and approved.
Set up orthographic views with the orthographic reference drawings matching clients specifications.
Place the Grip matching clients specifications.
Follow Proxy Mesh Guidelines.
Test proxy mesh in game.
For “hero” weapons, rig up the proxy model first and test in the game.
Yes - Proxy model is APPROVED.
Plan - Which modeling technique is most suited for making the Hi-Res? (Sculpting? Smoothing? Actual?)
Work through Hi-Res to Final by following the guidelines.
Export and bring into game. Overwrite proxy mesh with final. Set up materials
For Animation - Swap in final model using the existing rig/Export and bring into game/Test animation
What type of nature is it? (Flowers? Bushes? Plants? Small Trees? Big Trees?)
Plan - How close will the camera get to the foliage?
Plan - Will the foliage need any dynamic forces applied to it?
Do you have the right version of software that the client is using? (Software version parity)
Do you have instructions to begin work? - (Specifications/Reference Images)
No - Please see your Art Lead to obtain necessary files and information before you begin.
Yes - But the Proxy Mesh needs to be created and approved.
Follow Proxy Mesh Guidelines.
Test proxy mesh in game.
Yes - Proxy model is APPROVED.
Plan - Which foliage assembly technique is best? (Actual geometry? Alpha card sections? Geometry combined alpha card? Double-sided materials? Procedural foliage?)
Work through Hi-Res to Final by following the guidelines.
Export and bring into game. Overwrite proxy mesh with final. Set up materials
For Animation - Swap in final model using the existing rig/Export and bring into game/Test animation